Primary Years Program
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) is designed for students aged 3-12. It focuses on developing the whole child, emphasizing intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth. ASOY is happy to be a part of the PYP, along with 2,275 other schools worldwide; and we aim to foster inquiry and a lifelong love of learning. PYP students develop a global perspective and become engaged through a mix of the 6 themes.
The IB PYP Themes provide a framework for students to explore the world around them and connect their learning to real-life experiences. These themes are:
- Who We Are: An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
- Where We Are in Place and Time: An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, exploration, and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.
- How We Express Ourselves: An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.
- How The World Works: An inquiry into the natural world and it's laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.
- How We Organize Ourselves: An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.
- Sharing the Planet: An inquiry into the rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
Together with the themes, the IB Learner Profile outlines the qualities that IB schools, just like ASOY aim to develop in their students. Here's a breakdown of the IB Learner Profile attributes:
- Inquirers: Students are curious and motivated to learn. They ask questions, seek answers, and explore the world around them.
- Knowledgeable: Students have a deep understanding of their own culture and the world. They are able to apply their knowledge to real-world situations.
- Thinkers: Students are critical thinkers who can analyze information, solve problems, and make informed decisions.
- Communicators: Students are effective communicators who can express themselves clearly and confidently in both written and spoken forms.
- Caring: Students are compassionate, empathetic, and responsible global citizens who contribute positively to their communities.
- Open-Minded: Students are open to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives. They are willing to challenge their own beliefs and embrace diversity.
- Risk-Takers: Students are willing to take risks and try new things. They are not afraid to make mistakes and learn from them.
- Balanced: Students lead a balanced life that includes physical, intellectual, emotional, and social well-being.
- Reflective: Students are able to reflect on their experiences and learn from them. They are self-aware and able to set goals for personal growth.
- Principled: Students are honest, ethical, and responsible. They act with integrity and respect for others.
These attributes are interconnected and work together to help students develop into well-rounded individuals who are prepared to make a positive impact on the world.